Friday, 24 May 2019

Butser Ancient Farm

Year 3/4 had a great time learning about the Anglo Saxons.  We were hooked straight away by the ancient buildings and animals on site. It was lovely to sit and enjoy our lunch in the sunshine and take a tour of the village.   Here are some of the activities we took part in. 

  • Sewing runes
  • Archeology dig
  • Clunching 
  • Pottery

Ryan and Subhan have also written a funny limerick about our experience.

Sue from Butser Ancient Farm, 
had a lot of charm, 
She showed us her pig, 
After our archaeology dig,
We left with no harm (Ryan) 

Butser Ancient Farm, 
Full of hope and charm, 
Good for exploring, 
Has a stone flooring, 
It will bring you no harm  (Subhan)

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

World Book Day

World Book Day

Thank you for coming in dressed up as your favourite
Varjak Paw character. I think most of us would agree that it was a
fantastic book! Also thank you to everyone who contributed to the ShareAStory display.